With an integration between ExternalDNS and NGINX Ingress Controller, you can use the Kubernetes API to make resources discoverable via public DNS servers across multiple clusters and cloud-vendor regions.
Amir Rawdat
Amir Rawdat is a technical marketing engineer at NGINX, where he specializes in content creation of various technical topics. He has a strong background in computer networking, computer programming, troubleshooting, and content creation. Previously, Amir was a customer application engineer at Nokia.
Enabling Multi-Tenancy and Namespace Isolation in Kubernetes with NGINX
With NGINX Ingress Controller, you can implement multi-tenancy and namespace isolation in Kubernetes for safe delegation of routing configuration to application teams.
Load Balancing TCP and UDP Traffic in Kubernetes with NGINX
With NGINX Ingress Controller, you can manage TCP and UDP traffic in Kubernetes for a wide range of apps and utilities based on those protocols, including MySQL and DNS.
Migrating from the Community Ingress Controller to F5 NGINX Ingress Controller
We explain how to migrate to F5 NGINX Ingress Controller, for users of the Kubernetes community's NGINX Ingress controller who need advanced features or commercial support.
Secure Your Kubernetes Apps from Attacks with NGINX
Learn how securing NGINX Ingress Controller with NGINX App Protect WAF can help you defend against application-layer attacks in Kubernetes.
NGINX 101: Web Server and Reverse-Proxy Cache
Learn the basics of configuring and deploying NGINX as a web server and optimize performance and availability of the web server with a reverse-proxy cache.
NGINX 101: Web Server and Reverse-Proxy Cache – APCJ
Learn the basics of configuring and deploying NGINX as a web server and optimize performance and availability of the web server with a reverse-proxy cache.
Performance Testing NGINX Ingress Controller and Red Hat OpenShift Router
We performance test NGINX Ingress Controller and the default Red Hat OpenShift Router in an OpenShift Cloud Platform cluster while scaling the number of backends up and down. The Router experiences significant latency and errors, but NGINX Ingress Controller almost none.
Comparing NGINX Performance in Bare Metal and Virtual Environments
We compare NGINX performance in bare-metal and virtualized (hypervisor) environments, finding a small but measurable performance cost for hypervisors. We also find that performance in Kubernetes environments is worse for network-bound but not CPU-bound operations.
Implementing OpenID Connect Authentication for Kubernetes with Okta and NGINX Ingress Controller
The Ingress controller is an ideal location for centralized authentication and authorization in Kubernetes. We show how to implement single sign-on with NGINX Ingress Controller as the relaying party and Okta as the identity provider in the OIDC Authorization Code Flow.