Web Server Load Balancing with NGINX Plus

NGINX APAC Sprint 2.1

Launch Modern Applications with F5 NGINX

NGINXカスタマー向けテクニカルカンファレンス (日本語字幕/セッションもあります)


December 7–8, 2021

What Is Sprint?

Landing in Asia Pacific is the first NGINX virtual conference, SPRINT 2.1 – an extension of the NGINX global SPRINT 2.0 that is now available on demand. This half day conference provides more opportunities to deepen your knowledge about the galaxy of NGINX open source tools and commercial products with keynotes, technical breakouts, and hands-on trainings – with content in English, Chinese, and Japanese!

NGINX Sprintは、年一回開催のNGINXによるカスタマー向けテクニカルカンファレンスです。


Agenda and Training

Who Should Attend?

Individuals and teams focused on developing modern applications and technology platforms in hybrid environments, and teams planning digital transformation and application modernization, will derive the most value from the content at NGINX Sprint APAC 2.1.

NGINX Sprint APAC 2.1 is ideal for site reliability engineers, system administrators, developers, software engineers, architects, IT managers, DevOps managers, DevSecOps teams, I&O professionals, networking professionals, Platform Operations teams, Platform Engineering teams, and Application Infrastructure teams.


面向对象:SRE工程师、系统管理员、 开发者、软件工程师、架构师、IT管 理员、DevOps管理员、DevSecOps团 队、网络工程师、平台运维团队、软件架构团队等。

Why Attend?

scale up
Learn about NGINX’s vision for building and scaling modern applications, and how we’re bringing that to life with open source tools and commercial products.


Attend hands-on workshops with NGINX experts to further your ability to leverage NGINX technologies.


通过参与 NGINX专家的动手实践课,更深入地掌握 NGINX相关技术。
Catch compelling demos in technical breakouts, showcasing NGINX open source innovations, and NGINX Plus relevant use cases for APAC organizations.


通过现场演示和技术演讲,直观地了解针 对NGINX开源版和NGINX Plus的创新以及相关的使用案例。
Get your questions answered live, and meet, chat and speak with NGINX experts at the conference to load up with information for you and your team to deliver reliable, scalable modern applications.

