Learn how active and passive health checks work in NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus, and which use cases each type is best for.
Making Better Decisions with Deep Service Insight from NGINX Ingress Controller
With Deep Service Insight, load balancers outside a Kubernetes cluster get the health status information they need to direct traffic optimally to service pods.
Announcing NGINX Plus R27
NGINX Plus R27 introduces keepalive connections for health checks, support for Kernel TLS, more TLS metrics, custom error codes for JWT validation failures, and more.
Announcing NGINX Plus R25
NGINX Plus R25 introduces more sophisticated authentication use cases with JWT, JWS, and JWE; counts of individual HTTP status codes; dynamic certificate loading for mTLS with upstream servers; hardened security for HTTP request processing; and NGINX JavaScript enhancements.
Scaling MySQL with TCP Load Balancing and Galera Cluster
TCP load balancing of MySQL nodes in a Galera cluster takes advantage of NGINX Plus' advanced features, including high availability, health checks, logging, and monitoring. We also use NGINX JavaScript to extract the contents of request and response packets for logging the SQL method in each client request.
NGINX Plus and Microsoft Azure Load Balancers
To load balance applications in Microsoft Azure, you can choose NGINX Plus, Azure Load Balancer, or Azure Application Gateway. Explore their different sets of supported features, and learn how combining NGINX Plus with the Azure offerings gives you the best of both worlds.
Announcing NGINX Plus R23
NGINX Plus R23 introduces new features including health checks for backend gRPC servers, unprivileged installation, support for the OpenID Connect PKCE extension, finer-grained control over TLS connections, a new method of setting cookie flags, and NGINX JavaScript enhancements.
Ask NGINX | May 2019
In this installment of our "Ask NGINX" series, we discuss UDP health checks, having NGINX Plus verify JWTs generated with Microsoft Active Directory, performing client certificate-based authentication for IIS servers, and obtaining metrics for website visits or page views.
Announcing NGINX Plus R18
NGINX Plus R18 introduces dynamic loading of SSL/TLS certificates, enhances our OpenID Connect reference implementation, and supports port ranges for virtual servers. It also includes enhancements to the key-value store, health checks, NGINX Plus clustering, and the NGINX JavaScript module.
More Fun with NGINX Plus Health Checks and Docker Containers
Rick Nelson polishes his health check & Docker container solution from nginx.conf and provides a working example with NGINX Unit.