What exactly do we mean when we talk about "modern apps"? We describe four key features that we believe an app must have to be modern -- scalability, portability, resiliency, and agility -- and six principles to guide development of your own modern apps.
Building Application Stacks With NGINX Unit
We show how to build an application stack with NGINX Unit, enabling automated deployment of production environments with custom‑built language runtime versions, libraries, modules, and extensions. The sample app is WordPress deployed in a Docker container.
Principles of Modern Application Development
Application development & delivery are continuing to change rapidly as agile principles are applied more thoroughly and to all parts of the overall process. Chris Stetson identifies three principles that guide modern application development: keep it small; design for the developer; and make it networked.
Augment Your Hardware Load Balancers to Drive Agile Development (and Competitive Advantage!)
Agile development has become crucial to development and delivery of new software and new features. But hardware load balancers, with their complex configurations, block progress. A software load balancer - used with, or in place of, hardware - makes the whole delivery chain agile.
Maximizing Drupal 8 Performance with NGINX, Part 1: Architecture and Configuration
This is the first half of our webinar, showing how to deploy and configure NGINX and Drupal 8 application for maximum performance.