NGINX Plus R22 introduces new features including support for OCSP to verify certificate revocation for mutual TLS, use of multiple OIDC IdPs in a configuration, real-time tracking of request and connection limiting on the NGINX Plus dashboard, and NGINX JavaScript enhancements.
Announcing NGINX Plus R19
NGINX Plus R19 extends our monitoring capabilities, both with a larger set of metrics and new ways to analyze them; adds a dry-run mode for testing the effect of rate limiting; enhances the key-value store to support IP address ranges; and makes rate limiting more dynamic.
Announcing NGINX Plus R17
NGINX Plus R17 introduces support for two-stage rate limiting and TLS 1.3, the latest version of the Transport Layer Security protocol. Configuration of OpenID Connect is simpler and NGINX ModSecurity WAF is 2x faster than before. The NGINX JavaScript module has also been updated.
Announcing NGINX Plus R16
NGINX Plus R16 is a single, elastic ingress and egress tier for applications, consolidating the functionality of a load balancer, API gateway, and WAF with new features like cluster‑aware rate limiting, key‑value store, Random with Two Choices, enhanced UDP load balancing, and more.
Dynamic Bandwidth Limits Using the NGINX Plus Key-Value Store
Set different bandwidth limits for website users based on their class of service, using the NGINX Plus API and key-value store.
Rate Limiting with NGINX and NGINX Plus
Protect your applications from excessive traffic, including DDoS attacks, by controlling the requests they receive with NGINX rate limiting.