Guest blogger and musician Caleb Dolister discusses an unexpected consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic: how hard it is to play music together remotely. Turns out the variable latency introduced by networks makes it nearly impossible to keep everyone on the beat.
Help the World by Healing Your NGINX Configuration
During the COVID-19 pandemic, you can do your part by reducing bandwith on the global network and optimizing your website efficiency. Here we offer five easy tips for tuning your NGINX configuration. The impact of these changes on thousands of websites can really add up!
Enabling Video Streaming for Remote Learning with NGINX and NGINX Plus
During the COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning via video has become the new normal for many educational institutions. Here we show how to set up live video streaming using NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus. Get step-by-step instructions in two embedded video demos.
Free Resources for Websites Impacted by COVID-19
Organizations on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic are experiencing increased website traffic from users who now must access resources remotely. NGINX and F5 are offering free software, documentation, and training to help websites scale easily to meet increased demand, and calling on our open source community members to lend their expertise too.