Two Turtle Doves: A Memoir of Making Things by Alex Monroe


Two Turtle Doves: A Memoir of Making Things by Alex Monroe

DATE 15 February 2015

Alex Monroe’s Two Turtle Doves: A Memoir of Making Things is a magical account revealing how a young curious boy from Suffolk, became an internationally famous jewellery designer.
Famed for his delicate pieces adorned with flowers and animals, Two Turtle Doves explores the nature of creativity and memory.
The intimate story, mischievous and confronting at times, always has an air of charm about it.
Personal drawings, scribbles and photographs adorn the inner pages giving the reader an inside look into the mind of a jeweller.
The delightful tales of his inspirations and thought processes make it difficult to think of a text that better describes the way in which lived experience is translated into high craftsmanship and art.
Monroe’s heartfelt celebration of creativity, craftsmanship and love, will be published in paperback on February 12, 2015 for £8.99.
Here are some of our favourite pieces from the new collection. To see more visit: